Movement and treatment of olives

These treatment options are available for olive growers to access South Australian markets only.

To access the Riverland Pest Free Area

You can use either of the endpoint treatment options.

To access Metropolitan Adelaide and all other regions

You can use any of the three treatment options, dependent on type of fruit fly.

Endpoint treatment for olives

ICA-04 Fumigation


ICA-07 Cold treatment disinfestation

Systems approaches and other treatment options for olives

CA-33 Pre-harvest monitoring, bait spraying and post-harvest inspection suitable for organic production

Queensland fruit fly only, not available in the 1.5 km outbreak area – note minimum 6 weeks prior to harvest spraying requirements.

Movement of olives for oil production

Moving olives to a commercial facility for oil production can be managed under special conditions without needing to meet one of the treatment options for whole olives.

This includes meeting secure conditions and pressing the olives immediately when arriving at the processing facility. PIRSA will issue a certificate authorising you to send or receive olives for processing at a commercial facility. Both the grower and processing facility will need a PIRSA certificate to move under these arrangements.

Grower or consigner (sender) requirements

You must have an Inspector’s Direction Certificate for olives harvested within a fruit fly affected area to be sent to a processor for pressing and production of olive oil.

The certificate states specific movement conditions, including that olives must be kept secure throughout transport to the processor.

A copy of this certificate must accompany the consignment and be given to the processor upon arrival.

You cannot move olives for any other purpose other than for oil production at a commercial facility under this arrangement.

Applying for an Inspector’s Direction Certificate

Complete the application form for sending olives (DOCX 795.3 KB).

You will be notified of the outcome within 3 business days.

Processor (receiver) requirements

Certification or accreditation is available for processors receiving olives from a fruit fly affected area.

You will need to obtain an Inspector’s Direction Certificate which specifies the conditions for receiving and processing of the olives, which will include:

  • ensuring the consignment is received securely (covered with no holes greater than 1.6mm, or in a container that is not filled to more than 200mm from its top in order to prevent spillage
  • consignment was accompanied with an IDC
  • processed within 24 hours

Using an Inspector’s Direction Certificate

If you use an IDC, you must:

  • take at least 2 photographs for each consignment received, showing the fill level or covering and any identifying marks such as the bin or container number or trailer registration
  • complete the provided General Biosecurity Declaration, attach photographs and a copy of the certificate from the grower, and email to within 7 days of processing
  • maintain records of all documentation and make available to PIRSA if required

Applying for an Inspector’s Direction Certificate

Complete the application form for receiving and processing olives (DOCX 793.7 KB).

You will be notified of the outcome within 3 business days.

Riverland requirements

If you are sending olives in the Riverland, you also need to notify PIRSA at least 48 hours to the consignment by either:

Page Last Reviewed: 10 Nov 2022
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